Bass Pro Producing Kids' Outdoor Show
JUNE 29, 2006 --
(9:30) In this age of computer games, online diaries and I-Pods, fewer and fewer kids are getting out-of-doors to enjoy the traditional sports of hunting, fishing, and camping. wants to help change that trend by encouraging kids to put aside the electronics and give the outdoors a try when they see and hear other kids enjoying it on Bass Pro Shops Next Generation Television. The show begins airing at 10:00 am ET, Saturday, July 1 on The Outdoor Channel.
Filmed and produced by Bass Pro Shops own award-winning Video Productions team, the show is fast, exciting, and fun. Just what today's kids are looking for. It's reality television, with all the bumps, scrapes, mistakes, and triumphs of real life outdoor action plus plenty of how to for those ready to get out and give it a try. Each week, in addition to hunting and fishing trips, a "Field Trip" will teach kids how to make a bullet, carve a balsa wood lure, build an aluminum boat and much more.
Bass Pro Shops Next Generation is co-hosted by a group of kids who have grown up participating in outdoor sports. Like most of today's youth they all enjoy on-line music and games, but what excites them most is a fish tugging on the end of their line, watching a bird dog on point or a big buck sneaking through the woods. Nothing is canned or scripted with these kids. In the "Diary Cam" segment, the kids say what's on their minds - thrills, disappointments, joy, even an occasional heartbreak.
"It's website television," says producer Dave Appleton. "Lots of fast, high-interest takes that move at a breakneck pace to keep the audience excited and entertained. This show steps outside the boundaries of conventional outdoor shows to compel the attention of young people."
There is also an opportunity for viewers to be a part of the show. The "Braggin' Board" segment features photos of kids from around the country displaying their hunting and fishing successes. "Home Movies" will show video clips sent in by viewers
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Sporting goods industry
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Bass Pro Shops Inc.
Next Generation Television
Outdoor Channel
Braggin' Board
reality television
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computer games
balsa wood lure
Dave Appleton
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