ASICS Adds New Dimension To Female-Specific Footwear

NOVEMBER 02, 2005 -- For the typical shoe designer, a female-specific shoe means a woman's last and some cosmetic changes. But ASICS is adding a new dimension to female-specific footwear next spring. Its biomechanical research discovered some startling differences in the movement patterns of male and female runners, as well as differences in foot shape and size. Women have unique injury patterns. Certain ligaments are more likely to be injured during physical activities. ASICS found that certain ligament injuries are as much as ten times more frequent with women than with men.

ASICS is attributing this to higher concentrations of circulating hormones. It suspects these hormones may be a significant factor in these injuries; specially, estrogen is a soft tissue relaxant. As estrogen levels change throughout the month, so does ligament elasticity. This becomes significant to female runners as the major ligaments in the arch can become flatter and less supportive. ASICS has redesigned its Space Trusstic System in the Gel-Kayano XII and GT-2110. Regardless of arch height, the new design allows the Space Trusstic System to react to the altered arch profile and provide more room for proper deformation.

January 30, 2005
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January 30, 2005
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January 30, 2005
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